Hello OV Families,
Please view the attached update letter from Michael Ruppel.
OV Families: Please review these two letters from Michael Ruppel.
The first contains some general updates and happenings at OV and is available at
The second includes information about our recent lead testing event.
Have a good evening!
RNESU Honors Faculty and Staff:
Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union recently hosted its annual Celebration of Contribution to recognize, honor and celebrate teachers and staff members who have made outstanding contributions and have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to excellence.
Congratulations Honorees!
Distinguished Licensed Professionals:
Jennifer Hogan – Art Teacher & Academic Interventionist – Barstow Memorial School
Melanie Parker – School Nurse – Lothrop School
Katherine Kloss – Literacy Interventionist – Neshobe School
Brenna Kimball – 1st Grade Teacher – Otter Creek Academy
Alyson Callahan – HS Social Studies Teacher – Otter Valley Union Middle High School
Susan Smiel – EEE Early Ed Teacher - RNESU
Outstanding Support Staff:
Heather Page – Paraeducator – Barstow Memorial School
Sara Eddy – Secretary – Lothrop School
Lisa Frasier – Paraeducator – Neshobe School
Cretia Waldie – Paraeducator – Otter Creek Academy
Stephanie Hull – Library Assistant/Media Specialist – Otter Valley Union Middle High School
Emily Ferraro – EEE Paraeducator - RNESU
Hello OV Community,
Please view the attached letter from Michael Ruppel.
Have a great Friday and weekend!
Please view the letter here from Michael Ruppel with some information on the first two days and about upcoming events at OV. Have a great Friday!
VEGGIE VANGO EVENT CHANGE - Due to the district wide convocation occurring at Otter Valley, the RNESU sponsored VeggieVanGo event will be held on Friday, August 26 from 10-11am at Neshobe School. To ensure a safe event, please do not arrive at Neshobe prior to 9:45am and following the signs to access the event. This event is open to all RNESU students and families. Thank you for your patience with the change in location.
Hello OV Families,
Please check your email for our welcome back letter, back-to-school checklist, and information about resetting your email password. Email me (mruppel@rnesu.org) or call me (802.247.6833 ext 2611) if you have any questions.
Welcome back letter: tinyurl.com/OVWelcome2022
Checklist: tinyurl.com/OVChecklist2022
RNESU Students begin school on Wednesday, August 31, 2022.
Online Student Registration is now open. Families of returning students have been sent their students' snapcodes for registration via email. If you have not received an email by Friday, Aug. 12, please contact registration@rnesu.org for assistance.
Read Superintendent Hubert's welcome back message at the address below:
Please consider sharing your hopes for the year in a ThoughtExchange Survey at https://tejoin.com/scroll/279326332.
See you all soon!
Hi OV families,
This is just a reminder that we will have the first of our two "Meet the Principal" sessions from 8:30 - 10:00 TOMORROW August 11.
Please drop in, have a snack, and say hello. Stay for as little or as much time as you'd like.
If folks are interested in checking in but can't make it during those times, please connect with me via email (mruppel@rnesu.org) so that we can set something up that works with your schedule.
I also wanted to tell people to be on the lookout for a "Welcome Back" email from us tomorrow, which will give important back-to-school information.
Looking forward to connecting!
- Michael
Hello OV Families,
I am writing to invite you to participate in an informal listening session with me so that I can learn more about your vision for our school community and what needs you see at OV at this time. We'll have light refreshments available during this time. Please consider coming to one or both of these sessions. The first will be on August 11 from 8:30 - 10:00 and the second will be August 16 from 4:30 - 6:00. They are informal drop-in sessions; don’t feel like you need to stay the whole time.
Though RSVPs are not required, it would be helpful to get a sense of how many folks will be in attendance for purchasing of refreshments. If possible, please send a quick note to Katie Davis (kdavis@rnesu.org) if you plan to attend.
I also wanted to let families know that we are in the process of producing our welcome back letter. We anticipate having that out to families by the second week of August.
Thanks, and I hope you are enjoying these last few weeks of summer. I’m looking forward to welcoming your students back to OV this fall!
- Michael
Dear Parents and Guardians and Staff
This morning around 9 am, Lothrop School was notified of an external community threat. While the threat was not directly made against the school, upon consultation with law enforcement, we made a proactive decision to lock down Lothrop School while the police dealt with the threat. This meant the school was locked to all outsiders, students did not go to outdoor recess, but learning inside the school continued as normal. We also consulted with Brandon Police and did not see a need for a similar lockdown at our Brandon and Leicester schools, as the threat was local to Pittsford. However, the police were ready to assist if anything changed.
Shortly after 11, we learned the threat was resolved and we were able to lift the lockdown. We deeply appreciate the partnership with law enforcement and the patience of parents as we worked through our protocols. We also appreciate the work of our staff to maintain a calm learning environment while the school was locked, following protocols and allowing the police to do their work unimpeded. I am proud to be part of the RNESU school and town communities.
Thank you.
Jeanné Collins, Superintendent, RNESU
Thank you, Mrs. Coro!
Teacher Retires After 43 Years
Each year, we pause to take a moment to reflect on what our staff did well and to share our appreciation with them. We invite you into this process this year. Could you please take a moment and share your own reflections of appreciation? It will mean the world to the teachers, administrators and staff as we continue to work hard to meet the needs of your child(ren). Thank you for being part of the RNESU community!
Please note this will be a public document that goes beyond a particular staff name. Feel free to use names with appreciation if you wish; negative comments will be archived and not be part of the report.
May 2022 OV Newsletter
Brandon, Chittenden, Goshen, Leicester, Mendon, Pittsford, Sudbury, Whiting
(RNESU, Otter Valley & Barstow Unified Union School Districts)
Let this serve as notice that Personnel Records of employees who were employed at Barstow Memorial School, Lothrop Elementary School,
Neshobe School, Otter Creek Academy (formally known as Leicester Central, Sudbury County and Whiting Elementary Schools), or Otter Valley
High School prior and up to the 1992 school year are being destroyed in accordance with Federal, State and Local Guidelines.
Anyone who would like their record should call Pam Reed at the RNESU Office at (802)247- 5757 prior to December 31, 2022 to make arrangements to pick up.
The April 26, 2022 Special Election results are in.
The OVUUSD FY23 Budget Passed.
THANK YOU to all who voted and helped spread the word to remind others to vote as well.
With the budget passed, we are able to continue to hire quality educators and serve the needs of our students.
Thank you for your support!
OVUU needs your voice! There are just 2.5 hours left to vote with a low turnout at the polls today. The future of OVUU education programs are at stake. Please let us hear your voice! Vote today!
Taxes are down by 5.5 cents, spending is under the statewide limit. See rnesu.org or the Brandon Reporter for more information.
OVUU Virtual Information Meeting tonight April 25 6:30 pm. See llink on webpage rnesu.org.
Vote today or tomorrow on the OVUU budget!
COMMUNITY COVID TESTS AVAILABLE: While our nurses continue to conduct diagnostic testing in school and make take home antigen tests available on an as needed basis, there are times families want to have more testing done, such as before or after an event. We have been told that by April 4, families who wish to have antigen tests may make an appointment at a State of Vermont testing site to obtain up to eight rapid antigen tests or one LAMP test per appointment for their use at home.