UPDATED COVID GUIDANCE FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: On Dec 29, CDC updated its guidance particularly around the definition of fully vaccinated and quarantine guidelines. Within a day or so, VT updated their guidance. We follow the VT Department of Health guidance in the RNESU schools. Click on the links below to learn what you now need to do if positive or a close contact: VDH close contact page Jan 2022: https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/symptoms-sickness/what-do-if-you-are-close-contact VDH Positive COVID page: https://www.healthvermont.gov/sites/default/files/documents/pdf/COVID-19_What-to-do-if-you-are-diagnosed-with-COVID-19_final.pdf
about 3 years ago, RNESU
The burning odor at OVUHS was discovered to be due to an air exchange unit which had an electric burnout and seized up. Luckily it shut down before there was an actual fire. A new motor was ordered and should be installed by the end of tomorrow. OVUHS remains closed tomorrow, Friday, Jan 7 2022 and students will participate in distance learning. Thank you for your patience.
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
As of today, the state's registration system has appointments available for parents/caregivers to register their children aged 12-15 for a booster vaccination appointment. Per the CDC earlier this month, individuals are now eligible for a booster five months after completing their initial Pfizer vaccine series.
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
#RNESUVT would like to welcome Michael Rupple as the new principal of OVUHS starting in July, 2022. Welcome, Michael! #ovvtpride @JimAvery
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
Dear Otter Valley Parents and Guardians As we got ready to welcome students this morning at OVUHS, we experienced the smell of smoke, which was quite strong in one corner of the building. We worked with the fire department to find the source but as of this time, are unable to do so. Therefore, we cannot open the building today and students will be brought or sent home. We apologize for this inconvenience; however, the building needs to be cleared for safety before we can hold classes. We plan to keep the building closed tomorrow as well. Teachers and staff will be sent home today and will prepare for distance learning instruction tomorrow. We have had many positive cases of COVID in the building this week. Yesterday, over a quarter of our student body was out of school (not all related to COVID but significant). We ask that over the next four days, you watch your student for symptoms and we encourage testing for COVID prior to returning to school next week if it is possible. Thank you for your patience as we work to make the building safe for students and adults.
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
Check out today's announcements!
about 3 years ago, Otter Valley Middle and High School
The RNESU Superintendent Search Committee is looking for your input on the skills and dispositions you are hoping the new superintendent will possess. Please participate by attending a virtual input session: Zoom on Thursday, January 6 at 6:00 PM. Zoom link and details to participate can be found on the calendar at https://www.rnesu.org/events If you are unable to attend, but have input you would like to share, please use the Thought Exchange or submit your input through Le'ts Talk at https://www.rnesu.org/page/superintendent-search.
about 3 years ago, RNESU
Updated #RNESUVT COVID response guidance posted at rnesu.org and sent to all parents and staff on Jan. 1, 2022. Whishing each of you a healthy and joyous 2022!
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
Free Back to School Antigen Tests Available Dec 30 and 31 for all Vermont School Children Registration and more information is available at https://tinyurl.com/yz7txb2w
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
A holiday message from Secretary Dan French and Teacher of the Year Sue Rosato https://education.vermont.gov/sites/aoe/files/documents/edu-letter-rosato-french-holiday-message.pdf
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent