MAEC CLIMATE SURVEY FOR RNESU PARENTS (Closes Jan. 31): ➤ All RNESU Parents are invited and encouraged to complete the following anonymous Climate Survey for RNESU parents: This Climate Survey is part of a study being conducted by the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium (MAEC) to understand how RNESU can advance equity across our district, including feelings and experiences of safety, belonging, and equitable access to high-quality instruction and support services. As you are the backbone of our schools, your feedback will be so critical in informing this study. If you have questions about the survey or the MAEC study, don't hesitate to contact Susannah White, Equity & Engagement Coach, . Thank you for your time and care in completing this important survey.
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
CHANGING COVID GUIDANCE FOR SCHOOLS : We have received the official written guidance from the Agency of Ed. Here is an overview of what to expect: ➤ Schools will shift away from contact tracing and weekly PCR surveillance tests. Entire classrooms will not need to be sent home for being close contacts ➤ Parents will be notified if their child is a presumptive contact based on the classes they are in. ➤ Schools will send home rapid antigen test kits to unvaccinated and symptomatic students and to presumptive contacts to test at home for five days before coming to school. *This is dependent on the supplies we get from the state. ➤ Vaccinated students who are presumptive contacts will be able to attend school without testing if asymptomatic. Students are considered fully vaccinated if they have completed their two dose series of a vaccine ➤ School nurses will be able to test staff or students in the school who develop symptoms using rapid antigen or LAMP tests So what does this mean? ➤ We will not be doing Test to Stay in classrooms of students nor sending home entire classrooms as soon as we are able to transition to sending tests home ➤ Instead we will give test kits for at home testing to those identified as presumptive contacts who are unvaccinated or symptomatic. ➤ Weekly surveillance testing will come to an end (date uncertain). For updated information on close contacts and what to do if you are positive: ➤ VDH close contact page Jan 2022 ( ➤ VDH Positive COVID page (
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
almost 3 years ago, RNESU
SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH UPDATE: RNESU has begun the search for a new superintendent as I plan to retire this June. A community forum was held on Jan 6 to help inform the board of what the community would like to see in the next superintendent. RNESU has a web page to keep the community informed about the search process. You can follow it here.
about 3 years ago, RNESU
NO VEGGIE VAN GO MONDAY JAN 17 - DATE CHANGED TO JAN 24: Veggie Van Go is a free fruit and vegetable distribution to all RNESU families and staff. Normally occurring on the 3rd Monday of each month ➤January’s date will change to Jan 24, from 10-11 am at the OVUHS parking lot. This event is sponsored by the Vermont Foodbank and is open to all students, families, and staff affiliated with all Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union Schools: Barstow Memorial, Lothrop Elementary, Neshobe Elementary, Otter Creek Academy at Leicester, Sudbury and Whiting., & Otter Valley Middle and High School. There are no eligibility requirements and no reservations needed.
about 3 years ago, RNESU
NOW OPEN | MAEC CLIMATE SURVEY FOR RNESU PARENTS (CLOSES JANUARY 31st): All RNESU Parents are invited and encouraged to complete the following anonymous Climate Survey for RNESU parents: ➤ This Climate Survey is part of a study being conducted by the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium (MAEC) to understand how RNESU can advance equity across our district, including feelings and experiences of safety, belonging, and equitable access to high-quality instruction and support services. As you are the backbone of our schools, your feedback will be so critical in informing this study. ➤ If you have questions about the survey or the MAEC study, don't hesitate to contact Susannah White, Equity & Engagement Coach, . Thank you for your time and care in completing this important survey.
about 3 years ago, RNESU
Jan 14, 2022 Dear Parents/Guardians It has been an exhausting two weeks, with cases in every school, high numbers of absences, large administration of Test to Stay kits and several classes out. In fact, today Barstow and Lothrop are out with over half of the student population affected (through close contacts). We are told we are in the midst of the peak of this surge and it will start to slow down in a week or two. Let us hope so. A huge shout out once again to our highly competent and professional nurses for all they are doing to trace, test, and communicate with families, and to our admin assistants and our principals/admin team for helping with this work. Every case can be several hours of contact tracing and positive cases are popping up seven days a week. Read below to see how things are changing. This email covers *Board Vacancy Information *Changing School COVID Guidance *Vaccination and Booster Shot Information *Veggie Van Go Jan 24 *MAEC Climate Survey for RNESU Parents *Superintendent Search Information *Calendar Notes *School Board Meetings INTERESTED IN BEING A SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER? Petitions due Jan 24 The Barstow Unified Union School District is seeking candidates for the Office of School Board of Director* for the coming election in March 2022: *Chittenden *Mendon *At-Large - 2 years remaining of a 3 year term The Otter Valley Unified Union School District is seeking candidates for the Office of School Board of Director* for the coming election in March 2022: *Brandon *Leicester – 1 year remaining of a 3 year term *Pittsford *Sudbury *At-Large – 2 Seats: one for a 3 year term and one for 1 year remaining of a 3 year term (candidates can be from any of the OVUUSD towns: Brandon; Goshen; Leicester; Pittsford Sudbury; and Whiting) *All seats are three year terms unless noted otherwise. Petitions are available through the links above, at your Town Clerk’s Office and the Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union Central Office at 49 Court Drive in Brandon. Requests for petitions can also be made by calling the RNESU Central Office at (802) 247-5757. Completed petitions Consent of Candidate Form, are due to your Town Clerk by Monday, January 24, 2022. Petitions for town specific seats require signatures of the lesser of 1% of registered voters or 30 signatures. Petitions for at-large seats require the signature of 60 registered voters. CHANGING COVID GUIDANCE FOR SCHOOLS As of this writing, I do not have the official written guidance from the Agency of Ed, but I do have an overview of what to expect: *Schools will shift away from contact tracing and weekly PCR surveillance tests. *Entire classrooms will not need to be sent home for being close contacts *Schools will send home rapid antigen test kits to unvaccinated and symptomatic students and to close contacts to test at home for five days before coming to school *Vaccinated students who are close contacts will be able to attend school without testing if asymptomatic. Students are considered fully vaccinated if they have completed their two dose series of a vaccine *School nurses will be able to test anyone in the school community who develops symptoms using rapid antigen or LAMP tests So what does this mean? *We will not be doing Test to Stay in classrooms of students nor sending home entire classrooms. *Instead we will give test kits for at home testing to those identified as close contacts who are unvaccinated or symptomatic. *Weekly surveillance testing will come to an end (date uncertain). For updated information on close contacts and what to do if you are positive: *VDH close contact page Jan 2022 *VDH Positive COVID page When I receive complete guidance from the AOE, I will communicate the details further. VACCINE/BOOSTER SHOT INFORMATION FOR AGES 12-15 YEAR OLDS Leicester School will have a Vaccination Clinic available for all families on Feb. 8 and March 3.Registration is required through the state site. Please register only for the 2/8 clinic. We will schedule your child for dose 2 on the day of the 2/8 clinic as part of the exit process. Children ages 12-15 are now eligible for a booster shot. See Health Department FAQ for more information or talk to your child’s pediatrician. Appointments are available in the state's registration system. VEGGIE VAN GO DATE CHANGED TO JAN 24 Veggie Van Go is a free fruit and vegetable distribution to all RNESU families and staff. Normally occurring on the 3rd Monday of each month, January’s date will change to Jan 24, from 10-11 am at the OVUHS parking lot. This event is sponsored by the Vermont Foodbank and is open to all students, families, and staff affiliated with all Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union Schools: Barstow Memorial, Lothrop Elementary, Neshobe Elementary, Otter Creek Academy at Leicester, Sudbury and Whiting., & Otter Valley Middle and High School. There are no eligibility requirements and no reservations needed. MAEC CLIMATE SURVEY FOR RNESU PARENTS (Closes Jan. 31) All RNESU Parents are invited and encouraged to complete the following anonymous Climate Survey for RNESU parents: This Climate Survey is part of a study being conducted by the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium (MAEC) to understand how RNESU can advance equity across our district, including feelings and experiences of safety, belonging, and equitable access to high-quality instruction and support services. As you are the backbone of our schools, your feedback will be so critical in informing this study. If you have questions about the survey or the MAEC study, don't hesitate to contact Susannah White, Equity & Engagement Coach, . Thank you for your time and care in completing this important survey. SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH INFORMATION The Superintendent Search Committee has narrowed down the candidate field to three candidates and will be conducting first round hiring committee interviews on Thursday, January 27. Plans are in place for students, faculty , staff and the community to meet the finalists once they have been identified. RNESU has a web page to keep the community informed about the search process. You can follow it here. Important Reminders: Calendar Notes *No School Jan 17 for Martin Luther King Day *Early Release Jan 21 for Staff Professional Learning Committees *February break is the week of Feb. 21 *Next year’s calendar is in development and should be completed in early February. The first day of school is anticipated to be Aug 31, 2022 SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS School Board meetings are open to the public as in-person meetings with a zoom option for those who wish to attend virtually. Meeting information can be found on the district calendar or on the district website,, All boards have now approved budgets for 2022-2023 for voter approval on March 1, 2022. Stay tuned for more information or go to the board page to see the presentations. Upcoming meetings: *RNESU Board meets Jan. 19, 5 pm ​​ *BUU Board meets Jan 31, 6pm *OVUU meets Feb 2, 6pm. The Jan 19 meeting has been cancelled Stay warm this weekend and watch for a possible snow storm Sun - Tuesday! Jeanné Collins, Superintendent of RNESU School Safety Hotline # (844) 723-3488 or or text to 274637, type in keyword SAFE4VT and then your tip
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
VEGGIE VAN GO MONDAY JANUARY 17 - 10 AM to 11 AM @ OVUHS: On Monday, January 17 from 10 AM to 11 AM the Vermont Foodbank will be at OVUHS to distribute free fruits and veggies to all who stop by. All families of school children and staff are welcome!! This free monthly produce distribution (3rd Monday of each month) event is open to all students, families, and staff affiliated with all Rutland Northeast Supervisory Union Schools: Barstow Memorial, Lothrop Elementary, Neshobe Elementary, Otter Creek Academy at Leicester, Sudbury and Whiting., & Otter Valley Middle and High School. There are no eligibility requirements and no reservations needed.
about 3 years ago, RNESU
BOOSTER SHOT INFORMATION FOR AGES 12-15 YEAR OLDS: The state's registration system ( has appointments available for parents/caregivers to register their children aged 12-15 for a booster vaccination appointment. Per the CDC earlier this month, individuals are now eligible for a booster five months after completing their initial Pfizer vaccine series. ➤ See: Health Department FAQ - Am I eligible for a booster shot or an extra dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
about 3 years ago, RNESU
INTERESTED IN SERVING ON ONE OF OUR SCHOOL BOARDS? Go to the school board page on to learn what seats are open and to get a petition. Petitions are due to town clerks by Monday - January 24, 2022. ➤ OVUU meets for a board candidate orientation on Wednesday, January 12th at OVUHS library at 5 PM followed by a board meeting to approve the budget at 6 PM. Meetings are in person and online ➤ BUU Board meets Wednesday, January 12th at 5 PM for a board candidate orientation at the Chittenden Library in Barstow School followed by a board meeting at 6 PM. Meetings are in person and online
about 3 years ago, RNESU
Dear parents and guardians Tomorrow's temperature at morning pick up are anticipated to be in the double digit negative numbers. Windchill has the potential of being 26 below 0.  We plan to stay open assuming our buses will start. We will take steps to ensure they start. Please dress your child accordingly for the trip to school. Boots, gloves, coats are a must. Do not allow your child to walk to a bus stop. If you are unable to drive your child to the bus and wait for it to arrive, or to the school directly, then please consider keeping them at home. This is quite dangerous weather. Thank you. Be safe.
about 3 years ago, Jeanne Collins, Superintendent
WHAT ABOUT QUARANTINING? Under the revised VDH guidance, quarantines for close contacts are now shorter. ➤ 5 days is now recommended and you can leave quarantine IF you have no symptoms or your symptoms are improving, including no fever for at least 24 hours unmedicated and you wear a mask for another 5 days. It is also recommended that you test again no earlier than day 4. This is a recommendation and not a requirement. ➤ Quarantine for positive cases has also been updated and can be found at this link.
about 3 years ago, RNESU
IS MY CHILD CONSIDERED FULLY VACCINATE UNDER UPDATED VDH GUIDANCE? To be considered fully vaccinated you must be boosted OR vaccinated with two shots of Pfizer or Moderna within 6 months or one shot of Johnson & Johnson within 2 months. ➤ Our students are only eligible for Pfizer. Boosters were only recently available to kids 16 and above; 12-15 year olds were approved for boosters as of this week. ➤ Thus, the majority of our students will need to quarantine if considered a close contact, unless their vaccination is within 6 months or they have the booster.
about 3 years ago, RNESU