Check out today's announcements!
about 3 years ago, Otter Valley Middle and High School
Check out today's announcements!
about 3 years ago, Otter Valley Middle and High School
Check out today's announcements!
over 3 years ago, Otter Valley Middle and High School
Congratulations to Gunnar Tinsman on his commendation from the National Merit Scholar Program for his outstanding scores on the PSATs, last year, as a junior! This is a wonderful national recognition!
over 3 years ago, Otter Valley Middle and High School
Staffing and Bus Transportation Issues: We continue to have significant issues with finding substitute teachers and bus drivers. Like our colleagues around us, we are not fully staffed and we are not getting applicants. The result is that buses are being asked to do double runs, making some kids late and others very early. This schedule changes on a daily basis in response to what staffing we do have. This is very disruptive to families and we deeply regret this. If you know of anyone interested in being a bus driver or a substitute teacher, please have them contact our HR department. We are in dire need!
over 3 years ago, RNESU
GUIDANCE: WHEN TO KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME: Per VT Dept of Health guidelines, students and staff with symptoms of COVID should be excluded from school. If your child has any of the following symptoms, they need to stay home until their symptoms have been improved for at least 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Ibuprofen. If your child has one or more symptoms for more than 24 hours, please consult their healthcare provider for guidance and testing. If your child is tested for COVID, they should stay home until negative test results are received. Written test results will be required before returning to school. ➤ Fever ➤ Cough ➤ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing ➤ Fatigue (Very Tired) ➤ Muscle aches ➤ Headache ➤ New loss of taste or smell ➤ Sore throat ➤ Runny nose ➤ Nausea or Vomiting ➤ Diarrhea
over 3 years ago, RNESU
Oct 16th Game Updates Please see game updates for October 16th: -V Boys Soccer @ Proctor (against FH) is now a 1:30 PM start time - bus will leave OV at 12:30 PM - players should park in the main parking lot out front. Bus will load on the north side of OV. -V Field Hockey @ Springfield is 11:00 AM start with game being played at the High School Field - 303 South Street - bus will leave at 8:30 AM - players should park in the main parking lot.
over 3 years ago, Steven Keith
Check out today's announcements!
over 3 years ago, Otter Valley Middle and High School
Check out today's announcements!
over 3 years ago, Otter Valley Middle and High School
COVID, Quarantine and Distance Learning: When we have a positive case, we immediately identify and notify close contacts using the VT Dept of Health guidelines. We then send general notification to the school. Unfortunately, we have had to close a few classrooms over the past week and a half and ultimately, closed Neshobe for two days. If an entire class is out on quarantine, we will provide distance learning. We will re-open the class when more than half of the students are cleared to return with a negative test. However, once a teacher has students in person once again, we will stop the distance learning.
over 3 years ago, RNESU
Oct 13th Practice Update - 7-8 Boys Soccer & V Field Hockey Please note today's practices are cancelled for: 7-8 Boys Soccer Varsity Field Hockey Thank you,
over 3 years ago, Steven Keith
Otter Valley has been experiencing sporadic connectivity with our phones and internet. The issue has been reported and we are working on it. Thank you for your patience and sorry for any inconvenience.
over 3 years ago, Otter Valley Middle and High School
Congratulations to the 7-8 Field Hockey Team for earning the "Most Wins" trophy at the 2021 MS FH Tourney in South Burlington on October 2nd! Team photo is shown!
over 3 years ago, Steven Keith
Team Photo
VACCINATION INFORMATION REQUESTED: In order to know if we can relax masking requirements, we need to know who is vaccinated in our student body. Knowing this information also makes it much quicker to contact trace when a positive case exists, as vaccinated students do not need to quarantine. Please send a copy of your child’s vaccination card to your school nurse to help us reach the 80% student body indicator.
over 3 years ago, RNESU
MASK REQUIREMENTS EXTENDED TO NOVEMBER 1: The governor extended his mask recommendation to Nov 1, still with the caveat that a school with 80% or more of the eligible student body vaccinated - may relax the guidelines.
over 3 years ago, RNESU